I'm always looking for ways to motivate my students. My latest brainstorm had me bidding all over ebay to collect these little charms. I successfully bid on little plastic feet, stars, and keys which came in 7 different colors. I also got little silver plated hands and smiling suns. Most of the charms came from China and took about two weeks to arrive. The kids can earn the charms for a variety of reasons both academic and behavior. Then, on the last day of school, they will take their charms and string them on glow-in-the dark vinyl string. They will go home on that day proudly displaying their accomplishments around their neck. Underneath the pocket chart, I have a poster which shows what each charm represents. You may have noticed the ticket in each of the pockets, but I will save that for another blog!
2 years ago
Hi Dijobaker! What a great idea for using charms. I am sure the kids love it, too. :)